Téléchargez notre appli mobile !
Téléchager Appli mobileSélectionnez un dispositif. Pour que les téléchargement se fasse, vous devez ouvrir votre session sur l'application Store MVR du dispositif sélectionné.
Conditions requises
Compatible avec le Cardboard générique ()
: (Google Cardboard, VXmask, Dive, Lakento, Homido, VR Box, SimpleVR, Noon, Tendak, Afunta, Terios, Durovis, ...)
IMPORTANT: Virtual reality videogame. Use of VR glasses is required to enjoy the experience completely. Insectizide wars has a non VR version available too.
A huge unidentified flying object has been spotted approaching the solar system. His established course shows its heading towards the Earth. Initially, the planet prepared itself to redirect it to avoid the impact. After studying the path it followed, they realized it wasn't a natural object but a manufactured one. Peace messages were sent aiming to establish a friendly relationship between civilizations. They never replied back...
Insectizide Wars will take you to an exciting spaceship battle to save planet Earth from extraterrestrial Insectizide enemy waves. Live in first person a new control mechanism and game mode never seen before.
Information détaillée
Mis à jour
October 16, 2015
38 MB
Version actuelle
1.5 (1)
All Publics
Min. Android version
Android 4.0,4.0.1,4.0.2